Volume I1. Market definition and segmentation1.1 Carbon fiber1.2 Carbon fiber composites1.3 Properties and applications1.4 History of carbon fiber composite business2. Macro-environment2.1 Trends in the world economy2.2 The composite market3. Overview of carbon fiber composite market3.1 Carbon fiber market overview3.1.1 Carbon fiber market by precursor3.1.2 Carbon fiber market by grade3.1.3 Carbon fiber demand by region3.1.4 Carbon fiber production by region3.2 Carbon fiber composite market overview3.2.1 Carbon fiber market by product category3.2.2 Carbon fiber composite market by application3.2.3 Carbon fiber composite demand by region3.2.4 Carbon fiber composite production by region3.3 Market trends and chances3.4 Competition analysis3.5 Industry dynamics4 Market by product4.1 Carbon fiber polymer-matrix composites4.1.1 Products, properties and applications4.1.2 Market data and forecast4.1.2.1 CFRP market by type4.1.2.2 CFRP market by processing technology4.1.2.3 CFRP market by application4.1.2.4 CFRP market by region4.1.3 Thermosettings4.1.3.1 Carbon fiber epoxy matrics composite4. Carbon fiber epoxy composite market by application4. Carbon fiber epoxy composite market by region4.1.3.2 Carbon fiber phenolic matrics composite4. Carbon fiber phenolic composite market by application4. Carbon fiber phenolic composite market by region4.1.3.3 Carbon fiber polyester matrics composite4. Carbon fiber polyester composite market by application4. Carbon fiber polyester composite market by region4.1.4 Thermoplastics4.1.4.1. Products, properties and applications4.1.4.2 Carbon fiber thermoplastics composite market4. Carbon fiber thermoplastics composite market by type4. Carbon fiber thermoplastics composite market by application4. Carbon fiber thermoplastics composite market by process4. Carbon fiber thermoplastics composite market by region4.1.5 Market trends and chances4.2 Carbon fiber metal-matrix composites4.2.1 Products, properties and applications4.2.2 Market data and forecast4.2.2.1 Carbon fiber metal-matrix composites market by type4.2.2.2 Carbon fiber metal-matrix composites market by process4.2.2.3 Carbon fiber metal-matrix composites market by application4.2.2.4 Carbon fiber metal-matrix composites market by region4.2.3 Market trends and chances4.3 Carbon-carbon composite4.3.1 Products, properties and applications4.3.2 Market size and forecast4.3.2.1 Carbon-carbon composite market by process4.3.2.2 Carbon-carbon composite market by application4.3.2.3 Carbon-carbon composite market by region4.3.3 Market trends and chances4.4 Carbon fiber ceramic-matrix composites4.4.1 Products, properties and applications4.4.2 Market size and forecast4.4.2.1 Carbon fiber ceramics composites market by type4.4.2.2 Carbon fiber ceramics composites market by process4.4.2.3 Carbon fiber ceramics composites market by application4.4.2.4 Carbon fiber ceramics composites market by region4.4.3 Market trends and chances4.5 Hybrid composites4.5.1 Products, properties and uses4.5.2 Market data and forecast4.5.2.1 Hybrid composites market by application4.5.2.2 Hybrid composites market by region5. Market by application5.1 Aircraft / Aerospace5.1.1 Market segmentation5.1.2 Market size and outlook5.1.2.1 Carbon fiber composite market in aerospace by type5.1.2.2 Carbon fiber composite market in aerospace by segment5.1.2.3 Carbon fiber composite market in aerospace by region5.1.2.4 Composite demand in aerospace by type5.1.3 Market trends and chances5.2 Ground vehicle5.2.1 Market segmentation5.2.2 Market size and outlook5.2.2.1 Carbon fiber composite market in ground vehicles by type5.2.2.2 Carbon fiber composite market in ground vehicle by segment5.2.2.3 Carbon fiber composite market in ground vehicle by region5.2.3 Market trends and chances5.3 Wind energy5.3.1 Market segmentation5.3.2 Market size and outlook5.3.2.1 Carbon fiber composite market in wind energy5.3.2.2 Carbon fiber composite market in wind energy by region5.3.3 Market trends and chances5.4 Industrial uses5.4.1 Market segmentation5.4.2 Market size and outlook5.4.2.1 Carbon fiber composite market in industrial uses by type5.4.2.2 Carbon fiber composite market in industrial use by segment5.4.2.3 Carbon fiber composite market in industrial use by region5.4.3 Market trends and chances5.5 Medical devices5.5.1 Market segmentation5.5.2 Market size and outlook5.5.2.1 Carbon fiber composite market in medical devices by type5.5.2.2 Carbon fiber composite market in medical devices by segment5.5.2.3 Carbon fiber composite market in medical devices by region5.5.3 Market trends and chances5.6 Sporting goods5.6.1 Market segmentation5.6.2 Market size and forecast5.6.2.1 Carbon fiber composite market in sporting goods by type5.6.2.2 Carbon fiber composite market in sporting goods by segment5.6.2.3 Carbon fiber composite market in sporting goods by region5.6.3 Market trends and chances5.7 Other applicationsVolume IICompany profiles (ca. 300)