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Ãֽżø      ¾ËÆĺª¼ø
Synthetic Cleaner and Detergent Agents: Production, Market and Forecast
CIS ±¹°¡ ¹× ¹ßÆ® ±¹°¡ÀÇ ÇÕ¼º¼¼Á¦ ¹× Ŭ¸®´×¿ëÇ° ½ÃÀå : »ý»ê, ½ÃÀå ¹× ¿¹Ãø
¹ßÇà»ç : INFOMINE Research Group ¹ßÇàÀÏ : 2012-10
Àú ÀÚ : ü Á¦ :
°¡°Ý :   $ 4,200 (PDF)
T. Hasegawa: Strategies, Financials, R&D, Marketing Tactics, Collaborati
T. Hasegawa : Àü·«, À繫, R & D, ¸¶ÄÉÆà Àü·«, Á¦ÈÞ, Á¦Ç° Æ÷Æ®Æú¸®¿À, M & A(¼¼°èÀÇ Çâ·á ¹× Çâ¼ö ±â¾÷)
¹ßÇà»ç : Venture Planning Group ¹ßÇàÀÏ : 2012-09
Àú ÀÚ : ü Á¦ :
°¡°Ý :   $ 2,000 (PDF)
Tablet PC market - U.S. industry analysis, size, share, growth and forec
¹Ì±¹ÀÇ ÅÂºí¸´ PC ½ÃÀå : »ê¾÷ ºÐ¼®, ±Ô¸ð, Á¡À¯À², ¼ºÀå ¹× ¿¹Ãø(2012³â-2018³â)
¹ßÇà»ç : Transparency Market Research ¹ßÇàÀÏ : 2013-01
Àú ÀÚ : ü Á¦ :
°¡°Ý :   $ 4,595 (PDF)
Takasago : Strategies, Financials, R&D, Marketing Tactics, Collaboration
Takasago : Àü·«, À繫, R & D, ¸¶ÄÉÆà Àü·«, Á¦ÈÞ, Á¦Ç° Æ÷Æ®Æú¸®¿À, M & A(¼¼°èÀÇ Çâ·á ¹× Çâ¼ö ±â¾÷)
¹ßÇà»ç : Venture Planning Group ¹ßÇàÀÏ : 2012-09
Àú ÀÚ : ü Á¦ :
°¡°Ý :   $ 2,000 (PDF)
Taking the Pulse of DVD and Blu-ray Amid the Decline of Physical Media:
¹°¸®Àû ¹Ìµð¾îÀÇ Ä§Ã¼ »óȲ¿¡¼­ DVD ¹× ºí·ç·¹ÀÌ ÆǸŠ½ÃÀå µ¿Çâ : ¹Ì±¹ ¼ÒºñÀÚ Á¶»ç °á°ú
¹ßÇà»ç : IDC ¹ßÇàÀÏ : 2012-02
Àú ÀÚ : ü Á¦ :
°¡°Ý :   $ 4,500 (PDF)
¼¼°èÀÇ Å½Æù ½ÃÀå
¹ßÇà»ç : Global Industry Analysts, Inc. ¹ßÇàÀÏ : 2012-04
Àú ÀÚ : ü Á¦ :
°¡°Ý :   $ 4,500 (PDF)
Technological Know-How of Leading Flavor and Fragrance Companies
Çâ·á ¹× Çâ¼ö ¼±µÎ ±â¾÷ÀÇ ±â¼ú ³ëÇÏ¿ì
¹ßÇà»ç : Venture Planning Group ¹ßÇàÀÏ : 2012-06
Àú ÀÚ : ü Á¦ :
°¡°Ý :   $ 1,850 (PDF)
Temperature Control Fabrics: Optimising Wearer Comfort, 2013 Edition
¿ÂµµÁ¶Àý Á÷¹° : Âø¿ë°¨ ÃÖÀûÈ­(2013³âÆÇ)
¹ßÇà»ç : Textiles Intelligence ¹ßÇàÀÏ : 2013-06
Àú ÀÚ : ü Á¦ :
°¡°Ý :   $ 785 (PDF)
Tesco Food & Grocery | Customer Insight
Tesco : ½ÄÇ° ¹× ÀâÈ­ - °í°´ ºÐ¼®
¹ßÇà»ç : Verdict Research Limited ¹ßÇàÀÏ : 2012-05
Àú ÀÚ : ü Á¦ :
°¡°Ý :   $ 4,495 (PDF)
Tesco Music & Video | Customer Insight
Tesco : À½¾Ç ¹× ºñµð¿À - °í°´ ºÐ¼®
¹ßÇà»ç : Verdict Research Limited ¹ßÇàÀÏ : 2012-05
Àú ÀÚ : ü Á¦ :
°¡°Ý :   $ 4,495 (PDF)
¼¼°èÀÇ Á÷¹° ½ÃÀå
¹ßÇà»ç : Global Industry Analysts, Inc. ¹ßÇàÀÏ : 2012-01
Àú ÀÚ : ü Á¦ :
°¡°Ý :   $ 1,995 (PDF)
The 2012 Global Flavor and Fragrance Market Dynamics and Trends
¼¼°è Çâ·á ¹× ÇÁ·¹À̱׷±½º ½ÃÀåÀÇ ¿ªÇаú µ¿Çâ (2011³â)
¹ßÇà»ç : Venture Planning Group ¹ßÇàÀÏ : 2012-03
Àú ÀÚ : ü Á¦ :
°¡°Ý :   $ 1,850 (PDF)
The 2012 Top 10 World's Leading Flavor and Fragrance Companies
2011³â ¼¼°èÀÇ Çâ·á ¹× Çâ¼ö ±â¾÷ Top 10
¹ßÇà»ç : Venture Planning Group ¹ßÇàÀÏ : 2012-03
Àú ÀÚ : ü Á¦ :
°¡°Ý :   $ 14,200 (PDF)
The Business of Tablets: Tablet Usage in US Business
¹Ì±¹ ±â¾÷ÀÇ ÅÂºí¸´ PCÀÇ ÀÌ¿ë ÇöȲ
¹ßÇà»ç : In-Stat ¹ßÇàÀÏ : 2012-02
Àú ÀÚ : ü Á¦ :
°¡°Ý :   $ 2,995 (PDF)
The Complete K-12 Report: Market Facts and Segment Analyses 2012
K-12 ½ÃÀå Á¶»ç(2012³â) : ½ÃÀå µ¥ÀÌÅÍ ¹× ºÎ¹®º° ºÐ¼®
¹ßÇà»ç : SIMBA Information, Inc. ¹ßÇàÀÏ : 2012-01
Àú ÀÚ : ü Á¦ :
°¡°Ý :   $ 1,950 (PDF)
The Effect of Rises in Cotton Fibre Prices on Textile and Apparel Prices
°ø±Þ¸Á¿¡¼­ ¸é¼¶À¯ °¡°Ý »ó½ÂÀÌ ÅؽºÅ¸ÀÏ ¹× ÀÇ·ù °¡°Ý¿¡ ¹ÌÄ¡´Â ¿µÇâ
¹ßÇà»ç : Textiles Intelligence ¹ßÇàÀÏ : 2012-09
Àú ÀÚ : ü Á¦ :
°¡°Ý :   $ 520 (PDF)
The Evolution of Duty-Free Retailing: Past, Present and Future
¸é¼¼ ¼Ò¸Å¾÷ÀÇ ÁøÈ­ : °ú°Å, ÇöÀç ¹× ¹Ì·¡
¹ßÇà»ç : Euromonitor International ¹ßÇàÀÏ : 2012-09
Àú ÀÚ : ü Á¦ :
°¡°Ý :   $ 2,000 (PDF)
The Evolution of Duty-Free Retailing: Past, Present and Future
¸é¼¼ ¼Ò¸Å¾÷ÀÇ ÁøÈ­ : °ú°Å, ÇöÀç, ¹Ì·¡
¹ßÇà»ç : Euromonitor International ¹ßÇàÀÏ : 2012-11
Àú ÀÚ : ü Á¦ :
°¡°Ý :   $ 2,000 (PDF)
The Evolution of Duty-Free Retailing: Past, Present and Future
¸é¼¼ ¼Ò¸Å¾÷ÀÇ ÁøÈ­ : °ú°Å, ÇöÀç, ¹Ì·¡
¹ßÇà»ç : Euromonitor International ¹ßÇàÀÏ : 2012-11
Àú ÀÚ : ü Á¦ :
°¡°Ý :   $ 2,000 (PDF)
The Future of Global Markets for Nonwoven Wipes: market forecasts to 201
¼¼°èÀÇ ºÎÁ÷Æ÷ ¿ÍÀÌÇÁ ½ÃÀå ¿¹Ãø(¡­2017³â)
¹ßÇà»ç : ¼¼°èÀÇ ºÎÁ÷Æ÷ ¿ÍÀÌÇÁ ½ÃÀå ¿¹Ãø(¡­2017³â) ¹ßÇàÀÏ : 2012-04
Àú ÀÚ : ü Á¦ :
°¡°Ý :   $ 6,000 (PDF)
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